What I Do
The High Barre®
The High Barre’s mission is to use Barre methodology to engage the learner’s physical and psychological development of proprioception, individualised artistic expression, and the physical fortitude to support these pursuits.
The High Barre is intended solely for university educational applications, programmes include: (a) a programme for university performing arts curricula; (b) a programme for training teachers and transitioning performance artists for careers in education; and (c) a programme to foster Barre vis-à-vis dance/sports science research. The High Barre curriculum is designed to integrate the study of anatomy, kinesiology, music, and choreography.
Burlesque Barre®
Burlesque Barre is an original programme designed in doctoral research which integrates jazz dance technique.
Burlesque Barre was launched at the World Barre Summit in 2019, featured in 2020, and featured again in 2021.
The Lotte Berk Method®
The Lotte Berk Method is an umbrella for the historic legacy of Lotte Berk, dedicated to the preservation of the original methodologies and rehabilitative aspects of Berk’s innovation. Such programmes include, but are not limited to, Barre for special education, the elderly, addiction recovery, and medical interventions under the National Health Service (NHS) or other healthcare systems.
Jacobs Method of Notation©
The Jacobs Method of Notation is an original system for documenting the pairing of movement kinematics and musical accompaniment in choreography. This notation method was authored during the course of doctoral study and motivated by the research on cognition that examines the effects of dance on the brain.